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Polaris is the Latin name for the Polar Star or North Star, the brightest in the constellation Ursa Minor. Interestingly, ancient sailors used it as a guide and used to refer to it as a dog's tail. 

El Proyecto

The project

For our team, the bear symbolizes strength and protection of health and the environment. And it is that Polaris was born from two entrepreneurs who believe in the change towards sustainability and commitment in veterinary medicine.

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Our commitment

Every month Polaris Veterinaris collaborates with a different entity related to the protection of the environment, with local Mallorcan companies and with associations committed to nature and animals.

We are sustainable

We strive daily to reduce our waste production and recycle anything that cannot be reused. We try to minimize the use of single-use utensils, always prioritizing hygiene above all else, and we look for less harmful alternatives for the environment. 

Nuestro centro
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Our center

For our team, the bear symbolizes strength and protection of health and the environment. And it is that Polaris was born from two entrepreneurs who believe in the change towards sustainability and commitment in veterinary medicine.

The waiting room

The waiting room has been designed to create a relaxed atmosphere, with an exclusive space at a certain height to store the transporters of feline patients and a scale so that the dogs can be weighed upon arrival. 

En el veterinario
gato que miente

We have two separate consultations for dogs and cats. Both rooms are specially designed to ensure the best comfort during visits, reducing the potential fear that pets may suffer in a veterinary center.

Our cat room contains a Feliway® diffuser that gives our felines a greater sense of peace, as well as places with height so that they can climb and feel safe and calm. 

Our lab

It is equipped to perform blood count and biochemistry hematological analyzes, among other diagnostic tools for parasites, fungi, viruses, bacteria and protozoa. 

The operating room

It is where operations are performed under anesthesia or sedation, to have greater control of the airways and vital signs during the interventions. 

Higiene personal
Your security is
Our priority

All our spaces, with the exception of the toilet, are communicated by the upper part, which offers greater ventilation to avoid air stagnation.

We also have disinfectant spray and other security measures designed to prevent contagion and the spread of diseases.

Conoce al equipo

Meet the team

Cristina and Tania are two professionals passionate about animals and the environment, who believe in a different way of doing things, more sustainable.

That led them to start and create Polaris Veterinaris.

Cristina Llecha

Cristina has a degree in Veterinary Medicine from the Autonomous University of Barcelona since 2012
and has completed three postgraduate degrees, one in Medicine and Surgery and two in Ophthalmology. Although she is in love with Mallorca, the island where she was born, she often mixes her two great passions, veterinary medicine and travel. 

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Tania salazar

Tania took the Veterinary Clinic Assistant course in 2014 and since then she has continued to train and work in the field of veterinary medicine. He has taken numerous courses and seminars to continue learning day by day.



The office hours

from June 1 are:

Monday Wednesday and Friday 
from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday 
from 3:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Call us

Our center works by appointment. To do this, please call during office hours

971 52 52 65
Write us

Or leave us a message on our mobile phone and we will attend to you as soon as possible

601 90 66 53

C / Sa Quintana, 3

07519 Maria de la Salut

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  • Instagram Polaris Veterinaris
  • Facebook Polaris Veterinaris
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